Sunday, April 20, 2014


Sorry, for the lack of posts recently, but I feel myself settling back into my old routine...
winter nights have faded some time ago and now spring is finally here! Here is how I spend my spring mornings:

I wake up early (around 5) and just sit on my bed for a few minutes and breathe, recite a poem or sometimes I light a candle and watch it flicker as I let the light and smell warm me. Then I nibble on some dark chocolate and almonds and sip on chamomile tea. Then I'll go for a walk or maybe sketch and write. Then I am fully prepared to face whatever the day has in hold for me.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

cherry 2

Here is the second issue of Cherry magazine! My photography is on page 8 (Pretty Lies)! Read to see some amazing and unique works. I love working with these young, creative, and talented people. I feel like my world is slowly expanding xxx